Item Categories

Key Items

These items belong to the account and can never be equipped or given away. One of each key item is allowed per account.


Characters can own items in this category!

Lupi may only have 10 items equipped at a time UNLESS they have some sort of skill, equipment, familiar or mount that allows them to carry more!

  • NOTE: You might be able to equip more than 10 but you're only allowed to equip 10 unless you have a carry-benefit add-on to your lupi. 

Custom Equipment

Characters can own items in this category!

Lupi may only have 10 items equipped at a time UNLESS they have some sort of skill, equipment, familiar or mount that allows them to carry more!

  • NOTE: You might be able to equip more than 10 but you're only allowed to equip 10 unless you have a carry-benefit add-on to your lupi. 

Activity Equipment

Characters can own items in this category!

Activity equipment refers to PREQUISITE ITEMS ONLY !! These items do not take up a slot and you can have one of each.

  • Example: If you have an Old Watering Can and want to equip a better watering can, you need to unequip the Old Watering Can first!

Mounts and Familiars

Characters can own items in this category!

A single lupinus can have up to 3 familiars and 1 mount unless they have some sort of skill, equipment benefit, class benefit or similar that allows them to have extra.

  • Lupini that are initially created with a familiar or mount will have that creature permanently equipped. This perma equipped familiar will not take up a familiar slot, but the mount will take up a mount slot.

Custom Mounts and Familiars

Characters can own items in this category!

A single lupinus can have up to 3 familiars and 1 mount unless they have some sort of skill, equipment benefit, class benefit or similar that allows them to have extra.

  • Lupini that are initially created with a familiar or mount will have that creature permanently equipped. This perma equipped familiar will not take up a familiar slot, but the mount will take up a mount slot.


Characters can own items in this category!

Skills that a lupinus can obtain by a number of ways!

  • Purchasing them
  • Earning them by reaching certain achievements
  • Finding them in special rare items on activities
  • More!

A lupinus may unlimited skills but skills cannot be unequipped. Lupi may only have one of each skill equipped, no multiples.

Custom Skills

Characters can own items in this category!

Custom skills that only a single lupinus can have unless marked as inheritable. CAN ONLY BE PURCHASED.

A lupinus may unlimited skills but skills cannot be unequipped. Lupi may only have one of each skill equipped, no multiples.

Class Skills

Characters can own items in this category!

A lupinus may have multiple class skills, but all skills must come from the same class. If a lupinus gets to a point where they may multi-class, then they may have multiclass skills, but only those related to their selected class.

  • If a lupinus changes class completely, then all class skills will be forfeit and they will default back to the base class skills to acclimate to the change. If they change back, they will gain the same skills but with the penalty of losing some skills and only having [Class Skill] 1 and [Class Skill] 2 unlocked.


Stargazing Materials

These include, but are not limited to:

  • Ingredients for Alchemy and Enchanting 
  • Constellation Charts
  • Star Charts

Stargazing Equipment will be in the Equipment category!


Potions are made in the Alchemy Activity! There's also some scenarios where the lupi may find stray potions while out doing activities.

Flora and Fungi

These include, but are not limited to:

  • Ingredients for Alchemy
  • Flora, such as herbs and flowers
  • Fungi, such as mushrooms

Botany Equipment will be in the Equipment category!

Precious Metals, Stones and Gems

These include, but are not limited to:

  • Ingredients for Alchemy and Enchanting 
  • Crafting Materials
  • Useless items and sell-only items

Mining Equipment will be in the Equipment category!

Limited Use Items

Items that you may only use once. Some can be listed on activity/prompt forms if applicable, others you may need to check by an NPC to activate!

Some limited use items can also apply to other categories. This is usually because the item can be used in a recipe.

Miscellaneous Items

These include, but are not limited to:

  • Ingredients for Alchemy and Enchanting 
  • Crafting Materials
    • Including Broken Equipment
  • Useless items and sell-only items
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