
Archivist's Experience

Category: Skills

Subcategory: General Skills

Description goes here...

  • Skills; Custom Skills
  • Custom Item; Unobtainable
  • Guarantees success in Free Range Exploration and has a 50% chance to find 1-3 additional rare items in that activity.
  • Available only to A Stone in the Lake

Archivist's Insight

Category: Skills

Subcategory: General Skills

Descirption goes here...

  • Skills; General Skills
  • Custom Item; Unobtainable
  • Guarantees success in Stargazing and has a 50% chance to find 1-3 additional rare items in that activity.
  • Available only to Stella Fortuna

Archivist's Understanding

Category: Skills

Subcategory: General Skills

Description goes here...

  • Skills; General Skills
  • Custom Item; Unobtainable
  • Guarantees success in Interior Exploration and has a 50% chance to find 1-3 additional rare items in that activity.
  • Available only to Long Lost Histories

Snow Strider

Category: Skills

Subcategory: General Skills

Fleet of foot, you can now walk across snow (and even ice) with ease. No more nasty slips for you!

  • Skills; General Skills
  • Found in ???
  • Doubles base SPD stat when depicted in snow or on ice.

Cold Affinity

Category: Skills

Subcategory: General Skills

You’re quite used to the cold, so it never bothered you anyway! You can now deal more damage in and take less damage from any ice magic.

  • Skills; General Skills
  • Found in ???
  • Increase Ice Magic damage by 20%
  • Decrease damage from Ice Magic by 20%

Beginner's Luck

Category: Skills

Subcategory: General Skills

Desciption goes here...

  • Skill; General Skills
  • Found in ???
  • Gives the lupinus a 25% chance to bring back a rare item in any activity that's not animal or monster hunting

Veteran's Experience

Category: Skills

Subcategory: General Skills

Description goes here...

  • Skills; General Skills
  • Found in ???
  • Gives the lupinus a 25%  chance to double the lupinus’ base rewards in any activity that's not animal or monster hunting. Cannot stack with anything else that would double base rewards!

Thankful Tidings

Category: Skills

Subcategory: General Skills

Sometimes you just have to be thankful for life and this Lupinus certainly is. They're grateful for the chiller weather, they're grateful for the beautiful scenery of fall, and they're grateful most of all for the others in their life.

  • Skills; General Skills
  • Found in ???
  • Any time this Lupinus is in a party with others, they will share their base rewards with the other Lupini.

Heart of Charity

Category: Skills

Subcategory: General Skills

Your heart is one of charity and for that, we express our gratitude.

  • Skills; General Skills
  • Found in Events
  • For every charitable act (must be depicted), you will gain one random item and a random amount of GLC.
9 results found.