Cana Lupinus
The standard build origin species of all lupi subspecies/hybrids. Commonly referred to as "lupi".
Cana Lupini are native to Lunairea, though there is a large population of them on Altonica that run their own monarchy separate from the five Lunairean domains. Cana Lupini originated from the Primus - an indigenous tribe of lupi from Lunairea also known as the "first", given they still practice traditions of old from a time before the Lunairean domains existed. They're considered the oldest species to originate from Solaria, created by Astra Aeterna Itself and given the most attention by all of the deities. They also live fairly long, roughly 180-200 years, though their physical aging stops around the 20s to 30s and resumes around 150s.
Noteworthy traits: Long, unraisable ears; long nonprehensile tail
MYO Guide can be found here.
The Dyn'ai
A subspecies of Cana Lupini, specifically the Primus, evolved to survive underground. They're effectively blind above ground as they rely almost soly on echolocation. Unlike the standard lupinus, the Dyn'ai spend a majority of their time in their sapius form, which itself reflects more traits of the feralis such as feather and fur growth. That being said, the Dyn'ai lack a lot of the luxuries coats one might see above ground, rarely having long fur, feathers, etc.
They lack the knowledge of the common tongue that most modern lupini are capable of speaking, mostly conversing in a mix of Sekai, the language of Primus, and an insectlike, gutteral clicking language. They also have far shorter lifespans, generally only living up to 100-150 years of age versus the standard lupi's 180-200.
The Dyn'ai are far thinner, far larger and far stronger than the standard lupinus. While they lack a lot of the same magical inclinations of the standard lupinus, they make up for it in strength and dexterity, making them truly terrifying opponents if fighting them. It's a good thing so many of them are still fully intelligent and aware of themselves, and know better than to attack their cousin species, even if there's a language barrier, amongst other things...
The hybrid subspecies of Cana Lupini and Mer. Alteans have about the same lifespan of the standard lupinus, 180-200 years.
There are two kinds of Alteans: Major and Minor. It's important to keep in mind which would suit your preferences best in the game, as while Altean Majors have some unique traits inaccessible to Minors, you are locked to only playing the game underwater.
Altean Major (50% Mer)
One fully lupinus parent and one fully Mer parent.
Has more Altean traits and the feralis form sports a Mer's lower half instead of a lupi's. Fully aquatic, cannot survive on land but can breathe outside of water for a time.
Altean Majors can only be played under water.
Altean Minor (25% Mer)
One Altean Major parent and one fully lupinus parent OR two Altean Major parents.
Has less Altean traits and feralis form is closer to a standard lupini's anatomical structure than a Mer's. Can survive on land and in water, but still needs to be close enough to water to hydrate.
Altean Minors can be played underwater or above land.
Inu Ryujin
The hybrid subspecies of Cana Lupini and Dragons. While there are four kinds of dragons on Solaria, only two are available to reproduce with lupini in the first place, and that's rare at best given the elusivity of dragons. Those two dragon breeds are Sunlit and Stellar Dragons.
Inu Ryujins tend to have the anatomical structure of their dragon parent and the traits of their lupinus parent, such as long ears, teeth, general body structure.
Sunlit Inu Ryujins
The dragon parent is a Sunlit Dragon.Appearance wise, the fur of a Sunlit Ryujin will always be mostly lighter colors. Sunlit Ryujins also tend to be more western in terms of anatomy, but sometimes that isn't the case.
Ability wise, Sunlit Ryujins are capable of wielding the same sorts of magic as their dragon parent.
Stellar Inu Ryujins
The dragon parent is a Stellar Dragon.Appearance wise, the fur of a Stellar Ryujin will always be mostly darker colors. Stellar Ryujins also tend to be more eastern in terms of anatomy, but sometimes that isn't the case.
Ability wise, Stellar Ryujins are capable of wielding the same sorts of magic as their dragon parent.