
Cana Lupinus

Cana Lupinus

The standard build origin species of all lupi subspecies/hybrids. Commonly referred to as "lupi".

Cana Lupini are native to Lunairea, though there is a large population of them on Altonica that run their own monarchy separate from the five Lunairean domains. Cana Lupini originated from the Primus - an indigenous tribe of lupi from Lunairea also known as the "first", given they still practice traditions of old from a time before the Lunairean domains existed. They're considered the oldest species to originate from Solaria, created by Astra Aeterna Itself and given the most attention by all of the deities. They also live fairly long, roughly 180-200 years, though their physical aging stops around the 20s to 30s and resumes around 150s.

Noteworthy traits: Long, unraisable ears; long nonprehensile tail
MYO Guide can be found here.

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