The Aeterna Orphanage

The Aeterna Orphanage

"Ah, it's quiet here isn't it? While I take pride in letting the pups be, well, pups, I must say I appreciate their willingness to be quiet. Makes one think of a library, doesn't it? Relaxing and safe." Warin chuckles and walks past you, tail swaying. "While my pups are all happy here, we all need a place to call home, and for most there's a place meant for them that isn't this one. Come, come, meet our little family, perhaps you'll click with someone."

Welcome to the Aeterna Orphanage! Here you can adopt the pups who haven't yet found their perfect home. If you're looking for the place to make your own family, MYOs can be found back in Warin's Den.

How to get Adoption Seals

FTO Box: Everyone, even those who aren't technically FTOs anymore, are welcome to purchase this from Warin's Den for FREE ! It can reward one adoption seal OR a special MYO ticket that allows for common to rare traits. You can only pick one or the other!

User Levels: There are 100 levels for users, each level needing 10 EXP. To get User EXP, you need to level up your lupini! One lupi level = 1 User EXP - so you need to level up any lupi 10 times to gain 1 user level. Every User level-up gives 1 adoption seal, so you can get up to 1000 adoption seals from levelling yourself up! More details about User Leveling to be included on the EXP Chart page.

Prompts, Events, and more! Future monthly-bimonthly prompts, smaller and larger events, in-game festivals, and more will have adoption seals as rewards (always participation rewards, never contest rewards).

Make designs for the Orphanage: That's right, even non-designers can submit designs!! The process is a little wonky though, you need to be in the official World of Solaria Discord Server to gain access to the #Aeterna-Orphanage channel for submission. For these you can make common standard build lupi designs and put them in that channel with the correct info filled out so that the design can be uploaded here and put in the orphanage. In that submission, you'll be able to request 1 adoption seal or 20 GLC for your design. You can make up to 3 designs every 3 months, whether you want to make one a month or all 3 at once is up to you!
We're considering hosting biannual adoption events, but that's still in development, so keep an eye on our updates channel for more.


What you CAN'T do is trade for them. No in-game currency, no IRL currency, no character trades, no art trades, etc. We don't want value to be put on Adoption Seals, and trades unfortunately add some level of value to them. They're never to be bought, only earned or gifted.
That being said if you happen to want to just give away adoption seals, contact staff and we can set up a raffle!

How does one surrender a design?

To surrender a design...
If you're on desktop: Go to the top right area of your webpage and look for the dropdown that says "Submit" with a downwards-pointing triangle next to it. You'll find an option that says "submit surrender". You can also look at the sidebar on the left and click "new surrender".
If you're on mobile: Click the "menu" option of this page and click "new surrender". The process is about the same as desktop from there.

The first thing you should see is a character select dropdown. Pick whichever lupi you're wanting to rehome and select it.

Next, add in the "additional notes" box include the value of the selected design in USD and include whether or not it may be gifted, traded or sold. This will be on the character page itself, and is just for staff convenience.
NOTE!! Please get your lupinus appraised by staff if any additional art, literature or alternative value has been made of the character, that way the character's details can be updated by staff for future owners.

Then you'll get an option for suggested worth and currency type. Please understand that we do not buy designs off you with IRL currency, only in-game currency. That being said, here's the limits of what you can get:
20 GLC for every $10 in value UNTIL $100 IN VALUE. Max 200 GLC
1 Adoption Seal for every $25 in value UNTIL $100 IN VALUE.  Max 4 Adoption Seals
For convenience's sake, we ask that you pick one or the other, because the process of having a design sent to admin account, paying you split currencies, logging it somewhere and getting the new design up in the Orphanage is more of a hassle than we'd like to put staff through. Thank you for understanding <3

For designers looking to surrender unsold designs and MYO designers:
We only offer 20 GLC or 1 AS flat for unsold standard build adopts. This is for risk of exploitation where the designer purposefully creates a design they know won't sell and just add to the homeless pool for some spare coin. A similar vein is regular users constantly making MYO designs just to drop them here, so we do require that an MYO design has existed for at least 6 months before they can be surrendered.
There will be other compensation worths for alternate body types when we develop them.

How does one adopt a design?

Well, for the majority, if not all, of the lupi here, you'll need an adoption seal. They can be claimed from the FTO Box available in Warin's Den or received as a reward for prompts, leveling rewards, activity milestones, etc. More details will be revealed eventually, when we've put more work into it.

Some of these will be purchaseable with Lotus Coins as well!

When you have the currency for it, whether that's an adoption seal or lotus coins, all you need to do is click the "purchase" button under the lupinus you want to take home, pick how you want to pay and there you go, you now have the character and can do what you want with it! We don't require quests to be complete to make a design official and if we ever have actual pups in the orphanage (visibly young lupi) they will already be considered official and still will not require quests or anything to be made official.
Have fun with your new lupi!!


Any lupinus with a previously appraised value may NOT be sold for that value in real currency when bought from the orphanage using game currency. While you may keep logs of old value, please label them as invalid-for-future-sale and only consider any newer values - e.g. in the form of art/literature commissions - for resale worth.
This is to avoid those who might like to exploit the species by buying a design with an adoption seal (which you can basically get for free in numerous ways, making the value $0) and selling it for $100+. This is also why our GLC/AS compensation offers cap out at $100 in value.




(Cana Lupinus)
Adoption Fee:
1 Adoption Seal


(Cana Lupinus)
Adoption Fee:
1 Adoption Seal


(Cana Lupinus)
Adoption Fee:
1 Adoption Seal


(Cana Lupinus)
Adoption Fee:
1 Adoption Seal


(Cana Lupinus)
Adoption Fee:
1 Adoption Seal


(Cana Lupinus)
Adoption Fee:
1 Adoption Seal


(Cana Lupinus)
Adoption Fee:
1 Adoption Seal


(Cana Lupinus)
Adoption Fee:
1 Adoption Seal


(Cana Lupinus)
Adoption Fee:
1 Adoption Seal


(Cana Lupinus)
Adoption Fee:
1 Adoption Seal or 20 Golden Lotus Coins


(Cana Lupinus)
Adoption Fee:
1 Adoption Seal or 20 Golden Lotus Coins


(Cana Lupinus)
Adoption Fee:
1 Adoption Seal or 20 Golden Lotus Coins


(Cana Lupinus)
Adoption Fee:
1 Adoption Seal or 20 Golden Lotus Coins


(Cana Lupinus)
Adoption Fee:
1 Adoption Seal or 20 Golden Lotus Coins


(Cana Lupinus)
Adoption Fee:
1 Adoption Seal or 20 Golden Lotus Coins