
Straight Fur (Common)

Category: Fur Texture

A simple, straight style, smooth and not as fluffy as Windswept but not as ribbon-like as Silken.

Razor Fur (Common)

Category: Fur Texture

Spiky fur that sticks out in any direction; sharp edges.

Curly Fur (Common)

Category: Fur Texture

Fur that curls on itself. Can be tight or loose curls, ringlet-style counts as curly.

Silken Fur (Rare)

Category: Fur Texture

A ribbon-like variation of straight fur. Almost exclusively nobles have this hairstyle, hence its rarity. Silken fur is around 1.5x to 2x the length of any other fur type as well. For scale: Medium-Short Silken fur is the same length as Medium Straight fur.

Windswept Fur (Common)

Category: Fur Texture

A windswept style, usually somewhat fluffed up.

Short Hair (Common)

Category: Hair Length

Either there is no hair at all, or hair which can reach the lower cheeks at longest.

Very Long Hair (Legendary)

Category: Hair Length

Hair which is long enough to hit the floor and extend another 2-3 feet past that point.

Long Hair (Rare)

Category: Hair Length

Hair long enough to reach the ankles at longest, but cannot touch the ground.

Medium Hair (Uncommon)

Category: Hair Length

Hair which can reach the shoulder region, but cannot reach any further.

Medium-Short Hair (Common)

Category: Hair Length

Hair which barely passes the jawline but cannot reach the collarbone.

Short Ear Fur

Short Ear Fur (Common)

Category: Ear Fur Length

Ear fur which barely extends from the ears but does not go past the cheekbone

Very Long Ear Fur

Very Long Ear Fur (Legendary)

Category: Ear Fur Length

Ear fur which is long enough to reach the floor.

  • Example image reflects windswept / straight fur, length can vary based on fur type.
  • Doesn't drag unless Silken fur.
Long Ear Fur

Long Ear Fur (Rare)

Category: Ear Fur Length

Ear fur which typically reaches the shoulder of a Lupini's legs.

  • Example image reflects windswept / straight fur, length can vary based on fur type.
Medium Ear Fur

Medium Ear Fur (Uncommon)

Category: Ear Fur Length

Ear fur which can extend to the Lupini's collarbone.

  • Example image reflects windswept / straight fur, length can vary based on fur type.
Medium-Short Ear Fur

Medium-Short Ear Fur (Common)

Category: Ear Fur Length

Cheek fur which slightly passes the jawline but cannot reach the collarbone.

  • Example image reflects windswept / straight fur, length can vary based on fur type.
Very Long Cheek Fur

Very Long Cheek Fur (Legendary)

Cheek fur which is long enough to reach from the mid-region of a Lupini's legs all the way to the ground. 

  • Example image reflects windswept / straight fur, length can vary based on fur type.
  • Doesn't drag unless Silken fur.
Long Cheek Fur

Long Cheek Fur (Rare)

Cheek fur which is longer than medium, long enough to reach around the shoulders, give or take a bit.

  • Example image reflects windswept / straight fur, length can vary based on fur type.
Short Cheek Fur

Short Cheek Fur (Common)

Fur which doesn't extend from the cheek at all.

Medium Cheek Fur

Medium Cheek Fur (Uncommon)

Cheek fur which is longer than medium-short, but does not go past the collar bone.

  • Example image reflects windswept / straight fur, length can vary based on fur type.
Medium-short Cheek Fur

Medium-short Cheek Fur (Common)

Cheek fur which slightly extends from the cheek, but does not go too far off from it. 

  • Example image reflects windswept / straight fur, length can vary based on fur type.
127 results found.