
Ridged Horns (Common)

Category: Horn Type

Horns that have small protrusions or ridges on them as a sort of texture.

Lesser Antlers (Rare)

Category: Horn Type

Small antlers with only a few shortened "branches". Can have minor textures, such as "engraving" styled ones.

Greater Antlers (Legendary)

Category: Horn Type

Larger antlers that branch out. Can have minor textures, such as "engraving" styled ones. Can also allow for accessories to be hanged from them.

Ram Horns (Rare)

Category: Horn Type

Horns that curl behind the ears to the front near the cheeks. 

Curved Horns (Common)

Category: Horn Type

Horns that curve in only a few ways, but are generally smooth in texture.

Only Lupini of uncommon or higher rarity can have horns.

Dual Formation (Uncommon)

Category: Horn Formation

The most common formation of horns. One horn on either side of the head, usually growing from the temple area.

Uni Formation (Uncommon)

Category: Horn Formation

A single horn protruding from the center of the forehead of the lupinus.

Tri Formation (Rare)

Category: Horn Formation

Three horns protruding from the head, one in the center of the forehead and two on either side.

Quad Formation (Legendary)

Category: Horn Formation

Two horns in the front, two in the back.

Tiara Formation (Legendary)

Category: Horn Formation

One long horn in the center, two smaller horns behind and on either side, 5 horns total.

Hex Ram Horns (Legendary)

Category: Horn Formation

At least two of the 6 horns hook under the ears back towards the face.

Tapered Fur (Rare)

Category: Physical Traits

A texture of fur which is thin on the body and lacks any longer fur.

Shaped Ear Tufts (Legendary)

Category: Physical Traits

Tufts that take on a shape different than the typical reverse tear drop shape.

  • This can be anything from a star shape to a fish tail. Please check with a mod first if the shape you'd like to use is permissible, however.

Bioluminescence (Mythical Secundus)

Category: Physical Traits

The lupinus glows, can be eyes, within their skin, paw pads, etc. The bioluminescence has to be natural, no glowing tattoos or unnatural markings allowed!

Double Plume (Rare)

Category: Physical Traits

Mutation where the tail has two different plumes. Some plumes cannot be doubled up. List of plumes that can be mixed...

  • Mane x any plume that resides at the tip of the tail
  • Rump x any plume that is not at the bottom/base of the tail

These plumes cannot be mixed at all:

  • Shiba
  • Spectre
  • Pom
  • No Plume (for obvious reasons)

Double Tails (Mythical Quartus)

Category: Physical Traits

Mutation where the lupinus have two tails. Tails must have the same plumes.

Keratin Growths (Legendary)

Category: Physical Traits

Mutation where there are keratin growths that sprout from any point of the body in truth, but usually along the spine, shoulders and the like. These, like keratin horns, can shed and regrow, as well as be shiny and unnatural in design. Usually don't deviate from being smooth spike shapes.

Collusus (Rare)

Category: Physical Traits

Mutation where the lupinus is larger and more muscular than the average lupinus. More often than not, claws cannot sheathe for those with this mutation.

  • Those with this mutation can have an additional 2 points to ATK and DEF each when leveling up. This happens by default, the owner cannot pick either or or opt out.

Small Wings (Mythical Quartus)

Category: Physical Traits

Small Wings protruding from along the spine. Only two, lupinus cannot fly.

Medium Wings (Mythical Tertium)

Category: Physical Traits

Medium wings protruding from along the spine. Only two, lupinus cannot fly but can glide.

127 results found.