MYO Guide

Created: 8 August 2024, 23:24:28 UTC
Last updated: 22 September 2024, 03:47:50 UTC

What is an MYO, and how do you get one?

An MYO slot, or "make your own" slot, is a nontangible symbol of permission to make your own design for a species. Most MYOs will be universally listed with a species name or rarity tier that will tell you to what level of rarities you have access to or the like. For lupini, this is the case, even with the to-be-made subspecies

To start, we're going to backtrack a bit. How does one get an MYO? Well there's a few ways...

Free MYOs

FTO Boxes, MYO Events, and raffles are all common free options, and sometimes members are even looking to just gift them out!

Earned MYOs

Participate in the game to earn Lotus Coins that can be turned in for MYO slots here!

Purchased MYOs
Gachas, fundraising events, and sales will be made available for limited purchase periods as well! Sales will be the best way to get Mythical traits and subspecies MYOs!

Now if MYOs aren't your thing and you'd rather have a design made for you, there are options for that too! Premade designs waiting to find homes can be found at The Orphanage or you can receive a design from raffles, designer sales, or just other members wanting to rehome their kiddos through advertisements (available in the World of Solaria Discord server).

MYO Guide

Resource List
Limitations of the MYO Slot

First, know what kind of MYO you have. The MYO screen will specify the species, rarity, traits, etc. For the sake of this guide, assume you have a standard build lupinus (which will just show up next to species as "Cana Lupinus") that's allowed for unlimited Uncommon (next to rarity) traits. If an MYO is titled "Uncommon MYO" then assume the listed rarity and any below it is unlimited. The description of the MYO will include any limited number of rarity above that (e.g. "up to 2 rare traits allowed"). The list of rarities goes as followed from lowest to highest, plus some independent traits that aren't considered "above" or "below".

  • Common
  • Uncommon
  • Rare
  • Legendary
  • Mythical Quartus
  • Mythical Tertium
  • Mythical Secundus
  • Mythical Primus
  • Independent:
    • Retired
    • Special
    • Exclusive
  • All Rarities

If you only want to use one uncommon trait, that's fine, you can still use the unlimited uncommon slot. We might suggest you instead get a Common MYO and try to get your hands on an Uncommon trait potion instead though! Just so then you can use the unlimited UC MYO later, or even as a bargaining chip.

That being said, a rarity-specific MYO can use that listed rarity and all traits of a lower rarity, so if you have a Rare MYO, you can do a common plume type, medium (UC) feather lengths, a rare ear type, etc.

We don't control how you choose to design your lupinus past the required traits and anatomy, if you want natural colors and markings or pastel checkerboard markings, it's all up to you! Some useful notes though:

  • "Metal melting" is a form of body modification, much like piercings are. It's done on the fur of a feralis form lupinus and can be made of any metal (even ambiguous). The quality of the metal can be an indicator of social status, but not a required coorelation for you when designing.
  • The sapius form has to resemble the feralis form. Colors in transferable traits (e.g. kemono ears and hair) must be the same. Reasonable changes, such as hairstyle, are of course allowed.

This being said, you MUST make a feralis form lupinus for your MYO, but you are welcome to also include a sapius form as well! You can also add a sapius form later. As of right now this is only required of the standard build, not any subspecies. If you choose not to make it yourself, you can definitely go to someone else to make the design.

Other do's and don't's can be found under the below toggle:

Do's and Don't's when designing a lupinus
  • Use accurate trait depictions and check if you're unsure! Some common problems in designing:
    • Ears cannot lift upright.
    • Lupi have additional canine teeth behind the main teeth that are slightly shorter.
    • Their tongues are long and pointed at the end.
    • Lupini are on average between 6' and 8' tall in feralis form.
    • Claws can sheathe UNLESS they're a Colossus lupinus!
  • Use whatever colors and markings you want!
  • Piercings, body mods, tattoos, scars, birthmarks, missing limbs, everything goes!
  • Color your lineart unless it's too dark of a design! Outer lines can be black while inner are colored too.
  • Lupify non-lupi designs (with permission!)
  • Draw traits inaccurately without checking and then getting upset with staff that they have to reject your design.
  • Use offensive symbolism in your design anywhere, be that outfit, markings, or otherwise.
  • Make a design with an outfit/equipment/pose that hides a majority of the design (unless you have multiple versions).
  • Copy or HEAVILY reference/draw inspiration from another design unless there's good reason to:
    • Characters are related (if multiple owners, then with their permission as well)
    • There's a theme (e.g. guild uniforms)
    • Use a non-lupi design without its designer's permission to change the species!
Making Your MYO (or having it made for you)

Whether you're doing it yourself or have commissioned someone else to design your lupinus, there are some guidelines to follow!

In the discord server you'll find the #myo-wips-and-help channel. That's where you can drop your WIPs to make sure your traits and everything look correct. Not to be confused with the #character-designer channel, which is better for the actual design aspect with markings, colors, picking out hairstyles, etc. WIPs are imperative to getting a design approved, just because if you get the whole thing made then something's wrong, you have to backtrack all of the work to redo something and it's just more hassle than getting it right in the beginning stages.

That being said once you get approved in the server, you'll use the MYO in your inventory to submit the design. Let's make one together!

How to make an MYO

I started off by concepting my design. I have a common slot in my inventory, with one uncommon trait, so I know I'm locked to common traits only.

Then I sent this in for approval of the sketch itself, listing the traits I used and everything.

When approved, I moved onto the next part, which was lining. I did end up lengthening the tail just a bit and communicated that I made the change as I knew it could effect the rarity (tail length), and it was still appoved, so I went with it. If your lines end up pretty much being the same as your sketch, however, you probably won't have to worry about this step. You're always welcome to check anyway though! Best to be safe than sorry.

Still approved, so I went on to coloring. Once done, as a final check before I sent in for approval, I post it again.

And oh no! Turns out I forgot a required step: Coloring the lines. I readjust real quick and check it one last time.

And finally we're done! So now that the design has been approved, I take this finished design and put it through the MYO submission process.

How to submit an MYO

First, select the slot you want to use for the design you've made. It should look something like this:

Next click the "Submit MYO Design" button that's circled in red. After you click the "Create Request" button, our next screen should look like the below. DO NOT CLICK SUBMIT REQUEST YET!!

Now for the next part. You can do this in any order, but for now we'll just go from left to right. In comments you need to include the title of the design. This can be anything so long as it's appropriate and hasn't been used before. You can check this real quick by going to the masterlist and checking for your wanted title (with hyphens instead of spaces). If you have, for example, a rare MYO with one Legendary trait, but you didn't use that trait, you'll also include that detail here. REMEMBER TO HIT SAVE BEFORE YOU CHANGE TABS OR YOUR WORK WILL BE UNDONE.

Next is the image itself. Please note this is the screen you'll get when you've already hit save, but basically you'll crop your masterlist photo to be a bust of the design. If you have both a sapius and feralis, you'll still need to crop it on the feralis form. That being said if your crop isn't adequate, staff are able to recrop as needed once the MYO is submitted.

For now we can ignore the add-on page and just save it, but for example if you wanted to use a trait potion (think a rare trait potion for a common MYO) you'll have to have it in your inventory and then select it and its quantity here. It will be used upon acceptance of the submission, removing it from your inventory automatically.

Finally the traits page. You'll have to select all of the correct traits. This is where checking in the server with your list of traits becomes imperative, because if any of these are wrong, your submission will be rejected and you'll have to edit it as needed. You can order the traits however you want, the site will sort them after approval.
There's an issue here that if the MYO has a listed trait lower than the rarity of your design, you cannot change that, and neither can staff until after approval. This is okay, staff will understand and fix the issue post-approval.

Now you can go back to the status page and submit your request! Then all you have to do is wait for staff to approve and you can start using your lupi in the game. Have fun and enjoy!


Guides for subspecies MYO submissions and breeding MYO submissions will be added when they've been released.