Item Categories


Characters can own items in this category!

Lupi may only have 10 items equipped at a time UNLESS they have some sort of skill, equipment, familiar or mount that allows them to carry more!

  • NOTE: You might be able to equip more than 10 but you're only allowed to equip 10 unless you have a carry-benefit add-on to your lupi. 

Custom Equipment

Characters can own items in this category, as well as name them!

Lupi may only have 10 items equipped at a time UNLESS they have some sort of skill, equipment, familiar or mount that allows them to carry more!

  • NOTE: You might be able to equip more than 10 but you're only allowed to equip 10 unless you have a carry-benefit add-on to your lupi. 

Activity Equipment

Characters can own items in this category!

Activity equipment refers to PREQUISITE ITEMS ONLY !! These items do not take up a slot and you can have one of each.

  • Example: If you have an Old Watering Can and want to equip a better watering can, you need to unequip the Old Watering Can first!
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