
Beach Umbrella

Category: Equipment

Rarity: 6

Resale Value: 500 Silver Lotus Coins

A simple umbrella with a solid, stripe pattern around it. Not to be confused with a parasol, which is far smaller and moreso a fashion statement. This beach umbrella is meant to protect your poor skin from Saph's rays on a hot day at the beach.

  • If the wielder is attacked by any sort of water based magic or attack, they only take half the damage for it.
  • Cannot be stacked.

This is considered a retired item. If all are sold, then it will be deleted altogether.



First Aid Kit

Category: Equipment

Subcategory: Limited Use

Rarity: 1

Resale Value: 2500 Silver Lotus Coins

A simple fabric kit with some basic essentials if you aren't able to use magic. It's stored with the standard stuff, bandages, gauze, disinfectant, some painkilling tinctures...

  • Heals the user 20% of total health every time it's used. Has 5 uses (must be documented by player and staff!).
  • Cannot be used to revive a downed lupinus.
  • Can be found at Delilah General Store


Delilah General Store

Purchaseable At:

Runestone Kit

Category: Equipment

Subcategory: Limited Use

Rarity: 1

Resale Value: 3000 Silver Lotus Coins

A small pouch with some basic runestones. They glow has you reach for them, as if sensing your presence.

  • Boosts the user's magic damage by 10% before engaging in monster hunts
  • Can be found at Delilah General Store


Delilah General Store

<a href=" Cauldron" class="display-item">Empty Cauldron</a>

Empty Cauldron

Category: Equipment

Rarity: 4

Wow! Such a pristine cauldron! We haven’t seen one this nice in a very long time. You should use it when making potions and poisons - it might have a pretty good bonus.

  • Prevents ONE failure in Experimentation (Alchemy Ti)
  • Doubles the amount of alchemy rewards received in Experimentation (Alchemy Ti) and Active Participation (Alchemy Ti).
  • This item is SEMI-PERMANENTLY LOCKED to a single lupinus unless:
    • The lupinus is being rehomed to another user.
    • The lupinus has reached the final milestone of Alchemy Tiii.

Locked to Tier i Alchemy, but can be upgraded for higher tier usage.



Black Market

<a href=" Cauldron" class="display-item">Bubbling Cauldron</a>

Bubbling Cauldron

Category: Equipment

Rarity: 4

Resale Value: 20 Golden Lotus Coins

Oh, this cauldron looks like it’s already full of... something. Unfortunately we’re not sure what but it doesn’t look good. Unfortunately, it might not be the best idea to use this for experimentation, given how... volatile this liquid seems.

  • 50% chance to fail in Active Participation (Alchemy) but can triple alchemy rewards if successful!

This item can be used in all tiers of Alchemy.



Black Market

Snowslide Sword

Category: Equipment

Rarity: 5

Resale Value: 20 Golden Lotus Coins

Swords often deal physical damage but not this blade. No, it deals more with magic force than physical force. It is coated in a potent ice magic that, once unleashed, brings forth a great snowslide.

  • Deals Ice Magic damage from the MAG stat, not the ATK stat.
  • Reward from the Snow Dragon Game.


Snow Dragon Game

White Wind Cloak

Category: Equipment

Rarity: 5

Resale Value: 20 Golden Lotus Coins

A cloak doused heavily in ice magic that acts almost as a barrier when being hit.

  • Upon being struck by a melee attack, this cloak has a 40% chance to redirect half of the force back to the opponent.
  • Reward from the Snow Dragon Game.


Snow Dragon Game

Frost Talon Armguard

Category: Equipment

Rarity: 5

Resale Value: 20 Golden Lotus Coins

A single bracer that encompasses the entirety of the arm and is imbued with ice magic. It is very finicky though, and will not work with other armors.

  • If this is the only armor item you have equipped, increase DEF by 20
  • Any unarmed strike will cause 30% ice magic damage (must not have a weapon equipped/in use!
  • Reward from the Snow Dragon Game.


Snow Dragon Game

Trident of Agonizing Wintertide

Category: Equipment

Rarity: 5

Resale Value: 30 Golden Lotus Coins

A trident perfectly suited for colder climates, it almost appears to be made of ice. Upon holding this weapon, the wielder will notice that ice magic does less to them. Perhaps because it is inherently cold.

  • +20 ATK, +10 MAG
  • Adds 10% ice magic damage to attacks
  • Decreases damage done by ice magic by 30%
  • Reward from the Snow Dragon Game.


Snow Dragon Game

Orb of Starlight

Category: Equipment

Rarity: 5

Resale Value: 20 Golden Lotus Coins

A floating orb that reflects the starlight above in its crystalline body. Many confuse it to be sentient because it will follow around its user, but the orb is made completely of stardust and magic!

  • Boosts the chance of creating a star chart by 10% and has a 25% chance to award the user one Small Stardust. Only works in Stargazing.


First Wave, Lorix NPC Requests

Flower Printed Gloves

Category: Equipment

Rarity: 5

Resale Value: 20 Golden Lotus Coins

Gloves that can change when the lupinus changes form to appropriately be worn. This way you don’t get dirt all over your hands or between your paw pads! And look, it even has a cute daisy pattern all over it!!

  • Guarantees the user two additional rewards. Only works in Botany.


First Wave, Aster/Firefly NPC Requests

Amateur's Guide to Ruin Exploration : Lunairea Edition

Category: Equipment

Rarity: 5

Resale Value: 20 Golden Lotus Coins

A book bound in leather that describes many of the safer ruins of Lunairea, written by a young adventurer left unnamed. There are notes of locations, safety, essentials you should bring and what to expect in these safer ruins.

  • Guarantees success inTier i Ruin Exploration.
  • The lupinus will also have a 20% chance to double their base rewards in Tier i Ruin Exploration.


Second Wave, Callum NPC Requests

Sturdy Leather Pack

Category: Equipment

Rarity: 5

Resale Value: 20 Golden Lotus Coins

A worn but sturdy pack made of leather and cloth. It can hold a sleeping bag and a few extra items, as well as having an extra strap for a weapon if wanted. It’s urged but not enforced to carry other safety or essential items within.

  • Allows the lupinus to equip two additional items and guarantees two extra rewards if the roll was successful.
  • Does not take up an inventory slot itself.
  • The extra inventory space is universal, but the two extra rewards areexclusive to Free Range Exploration.


Second Wave, Runic NPC Requests

13 results found.