
Sleepless Snow Owl

Subcategory: Familiars

These poor owls! The dull eyed stare combined with slightly darker feathers under their eyes certainly make it seem like they need more sleep. But don’t worry, they get plenty of rest between flights. And they need that unceasing stare to find the shiny stuff too. It only has two feet though, so it can’t bring back too much.

  • Familiar
  • Has a 90% chance to bring back 2 Silver Lotus Coins and a 10% chance to bring back 2 Gold Lotus Coins.
  • Increases MAG by 2 points
  • Has a small chance (30%) to cause an enemy to skip their first turn. It’s all in the eyes.
  • Found in Pet Shop, Prompts and Events.


Snowdown Bundle (2021 Winter Event)

Vase Cobra

Subcategory: Familiars

For the love of Deities, why did you wake him?

  • Familiar
  • 10% chance to bring back 2 rare items in Ruin Exploration
  • 90% chance to bring back 1 Silver Lotus Coin.
    • What? You woke him up.
  • Found in Pet Shop, Prompts and Events.

Tri-Tailed Hummingbird

Subcategory: Familiars

This hummingbird really loves you. And it really wants you to succeed. So, it does its best to do everything it can so you do succeed.

  • Familiars
  • Guarantees success in Botany
  • Increases success in Hybrid Plant breeding by 20%
  • Brings back 5 GLC in Botany
  • Found in Pet Shop, Prompts and Events.


Subcategory: Familiars

Three adorable little bumblebees that keep bumping into one another as they fly around aimlessly. They're very cute, and even softer

  • Familiar
  • Brings back 3 SLC (one per bee)
  • 30% chance to receive one jar of honey per roll
  • These familiars are considered a single familiar for equippable purposes. Can be stacked up to 3 times.
  • Found in Pet Shop, Prompts and Events.

Flatbush Feline

Subcategory: Familiars

A shaggy but friend shaped cat. Purrs very loudly if you scritch it under the chin.

  • Familiar
  • This familiar has multiple uses and may do one of the following: 
    • During activities: It will bring back between 5-10 GLC. Has a 1% chance to bring back a PLC (cannot increase this chance - cannot be rolled twice).
    • During battles: It can serve as an additional magic based attack during your turn. The magic it uses is a random common magic. This deals ⅓ your MGC stat in damage.
  • Found in Pet Shop, Prompts and Events.


Charity Donations (Flatbush Felines)

Black Dog

Subcategory: Familiars

Just a black furred dog. Nothing creepy here. They’re just a good boy or girl or nonbinary leaning animal.

  • Familiar
  • This familiar can differ in size and do one of the following:
    • During activities: It will bring back one additional uncommon or rare item. Has a 1% chance to bring back a Legendary item. (cannot increase this chance - this cannot be rolled twice)
    • During hunts: It can serve as an additional physical based attack during your turn. This deals ⅓ your ATK stat in damage.
  • Found in Pet Shop, Prompts and Events.


Charity Donations (Black Dog Animal Rescue)

Trained GSD

Subcategory: Familiars

A medium sized dog familiar who's been trained specifically for adventuring. It's smart enough to know what its master would prioritize bringing back while out and about.

  • Familiar
  • Brings back 200-1000 SLC in any activity or prompt
  • Has a 10% chance to bring back two additional items in any activity.
  • Found in Pet Shop, Prompts and Events.


First Wave Release (Ancient Bundle)

Zealous Puppy

Subcategory: Familiars

A small, overexcited puppy familiar in training to become a full fledged Adventurer's Guide Dog! It bounces excited back and forth, sniffing an dbringing back just about everything it finds. It'll figure out what's of value eventually... right?

  • Familiar
  • Brings back 2 additional items in any activity or prompt, not counting animal and monster hunting.
  • Found in Pet Shop, Prompts and Events.


First Wave Release (Sapling Bundle)

Loyal Hound

Subcategory: Familiars

A medium dog type familiar trained to keep its owner and party safe from danger. This dog is very protective and alert at all times, making it adventurer’s best friend.

  • Familiar
  • Secret monsters cannot be encountered while this familiar is equipped, even if the lupinus has equipment or skills that would raise the likeliness of encountering one. Works in any activity.
  • Found in Pet Shop, Prompts and Events.


First Wave Release

King Geck

Subcategory: Familiars

All hail the king geck!! King Geck is a small, but speedy, lizard who wears a tiny crown and holds an equally tiny scepter. Does this make moving around a little difficult, therefore rendering the scepter inconvenient? Yes. Does he mind? Not at all.

  • Familiar
  • Guarantees the lupinus success in Beginner tier Ruin Exploration and brings back an additional reward. Only works in Ruin Exploration.
  • Found in Pet Shop, Prompts and Events.


First Wave Release

Monarch Caterfly

Subcategory: Familiars

A very small catlike creature with butterfly wings twice its size. Its thick fur is constantly covered in pollen, there’s no way you can clean it all off. It does meow by the way, it’s just very very quiet.

  • Familiar
  • Brings back a random flower that comes from the local area and boosts hybrid plant success by 5%. Only works in Botany.
  • Found in Pet Shop, Prompts and Events.


First Wave Release

Twinkling Kiku

Subcategory: Familiars

A small foxlike creature with fur as dark as midnight, lit up by shimmering flecks of silver that resemble stars. It’s completely nocturnal, sleeping for as long as the sun is up, and at night it spends its time playing in wide open areas with a good view of the stars. Only eats stardust sweets though, what a picky eater! 

  • Familiar
  • Guarantees at least one Rare item, and has a 20% chance to also bring back a Legendary item. Only works in Stargazing.
  • Found in Pet Shop, Prompts and Events.


First Wave Release

Tiny Ice Dragon

Subcategory: Familiars

This tiny dragon calls the snowy peaks of the Kami no Kabe mountain range that encirlces Terra Numina home. Rather than scales, tiny ice dragons are covered in thick, soft fur to keep them warm even on the harshest of winter nights. They are shy little creatures, so as long as you aren't caught by a large pack of hungry ones, you should be okay around them! They like ice cubes, ice cream, ice pops, sugary ice you name it, so always be sure to bring extra when you know you'll see them.

  • Familiar
  • Can soothe any fire based damage their owner takes - making it impossible to burn for a prolonged time.
  • Heals the user 10% of their total health every two turns.
  • Found in Pet Shop, Prompts, or Events.


Subcategory: Familiars

This sled dog takes their job very seriously. They are meant to transport large loads across Lunairea very quickly. Still, there are times when they get distracted… but these good dogs only find interest in valuable distractions and usually bring back a couple items for their owner. Snowrunners work very well together, too, so if you have many they might just bring back more items.

  • Familiar
  • Snowrunners bring back 2 additional items on any activity or monthly prompt.
  • Increases SPD by 3 points
  • Stackable (Conditional)
    • A Lupinus may have multiple Snowrunners equipped. However, they can have only a maximum of 3.
    • For each additional Snowrunner equipped, the pack will bring back one additional item, up to 4 total items being brought back
  • Found in Pet Shop, Prompts and Events.


Snowdown Bundle (2021 Winter Event)

<a href=" Coin Drake" class="display-item">Tiny Coin Drake</a>

Tiny Coin Drake

Subcategory: Familiars

A tiny coin sized Dragon covered in gold and what looks to be silver. Each one comes with a single coin that they grew up holding. They're usually pretty calm, but do not touch their coin.

  • Familiar
  • When equipped, this little drake grants the player 10 Golden Lotus Coins whenever depicted in any activity
  • Found in Pet Shop, Prompts, or Events.


2020 Winter Event

<a href=" Warhound" class="display-item">Ice Warhound</a>

Ice Warhound

Subcategory: Familiars

A scruffy, veteran warhound who's used to the icy threat of northern Terra Numina. They were originally bred as livestock guard dogs, but were turned into warhounds as wars between the top three domains broke out. The ice crystals growing out of its fur are hard to melt and are as deadly as they are good for defense!

  • Familiar
  • Adds an additional +15% to the player’s attack with frost damage dealt to a target
  • Found in Pet Shop, Prompts, or Events.


2020 Winter Event

<a href=" MAXIMONUS" class="display-item">SPOGITUS MAXIMONUS</a>


Subcategory: Familiars

A horned frog who jumps around making "plop" sounds. Commonly referred to as a "Spog".

  • Familiar
  • 20% chance to inflict minor poison damage on an enemy.
  • Found in Pet Shop, Prompts, or Events.


2021 Spring Solstice

Spring Chicken

Subcategory: Familiars

This green chicken seems to have a chip on its shoulder... wing? while pecking up seeds from the ground. Hey! Stop looking at it like you want it for dinner!

  • Familiar
  • Guarantees an extra reward item in any activity.
  • Found in Pet Shop, Prompts, or Events.


2021 Spring Solstice

Treasure Hound

Subcategory: Familiars

This trustworthy hound has an eye for hidden treasures! It's been trained since puphood to hunt down valuables. 

  • Familiar
  • Has a 10% chance to find a treasure chest.
  • Found in Pet Shop, Prompts, or Events.

The Creature

Subcategory: Familiars

This unsettling looking... thing... looks like a conjuration spell gone wrong. Although it is not as large as a full grown lupinus, this thing still is of a greater size than most other familiars. Aside from its size, its features cause you unease. From its back sprout monstrous, disjointed wings. Stretching from its torso it has massive paws, claws stretching far out from their sheaths. Its cat-like eyes stare intensely at you and, almost as if taunting you, its outrageously long, serpentlike tongue slips out every few seconds, much like a snake's tongue. Despite its unsettling appearance, it doesn't seem outwardly aggressive. It's just sitting there. And staring at you.

  • Familiar
  • Watches the opponent for three turns before giving the user a 50% ATK and 50% SPD boost for a single turn.
  • Has a 5% chance to find a Bejeweled Eye in Ruin Exploration year round, but during October instead of 5% it grants the user a 25% chance to find a Bejewled Eye in any activity.
  • Found in Pet Shop, Prompts, or Events.
23 results found.