
Subcategory: Familiars

This sled dog takes their job very seriously. They are meant to transport large loads across Lunairea very quickly. Still, there are times when they get distracted… but these good dogs only find interest in valuable distractions and usually bring back a couple items for their owner. Snowrunners work very well together, too, so if you have many they might just bring back more items.

  • Familiar
  • Snowrunners bring back 2 additional items on any activity or monthly prompt.
  • Increases SPD by 3 points
  • Stackable (Conditional)
    • A Lupinus may have multiple Snowrunners equipped. However, they can have only a maximum of 3.
    • For each additional Snowrunner equipped, the pack will bring back one additional item, up to 4 total items being brought back
  • Found in Pet Shop, Prompts and Events.


Snowdown Bundle (2021 Winter Event)