Tiny Ice Dragon

Subcategory: Familiars

This tiny dragon calls the snowy peaks of the Kami no Kabe mountain range that encirlces Terra Numina home. Rather than scales, tiny ice dragons are covered in thick, soft fur to keep them warm even on the harshest of winter nights. They are shy little creatures, so as long as you aren't caught by a large pack of hungry ones, you should be okay around them! They like ice cubes, ice cream, ice pops, sugary ice you name it, so always be sure to bring extra when you know you'll see them.

  • Familiar
  • Can soothe any fire based damage their owner takes - making it impossible to burn for a prolonged time.
  • Heals the user 10% of their total health every two turns.
  • Found in Pet Shop, Prompts, or Events.