
Treasure Hound

Subcategory: Familiars

This trustworthy hound has an eye for hidden treasures! It's been trained since puphood to hunt down valuables. 

  • Familiar
  • Has a 10% chance to find a treasure chest.
  • Found in Pet Shop, Prompts, or Events.


Subcategory: Familiars

This sled dog takes their job very seriously. They are meant to transport large loads across Lunairea very quickly. Still, there are times when they get distracted… but these good dogs only find interest in valuable distractions and usually bring back a couple items for their owner. Snowrunners work very well together, too, so if you have many they might just bring back more items.

  • Familiar
  • Snowrunners bring back 2 additional items on any activity or monthly prompt.
  • Increases SPD by 3 points
  • Stackable (Conditional)
    • A Lupinus may have multiple Snowrunners equipped. However, they can have only a maximum of 3.
    • For each additional Snowrunner equipped, the pack will bring back one additional item, up to 4 total items being brought back
  • Found in Pet Shop, Prompts and Events.


Snowdown Bundle (2021 Winter Event)

The Creature

Subcategory: Familiars

This unsettling looking... thing... looks like a conjuration spell gone wrong. Although it is not as large as a full grown lupinus, this thing still is of a greater size than most other familiars. Aside from its size, its features cause you unease. From its back sprout monstrous, disjointed wings. Stretching from its torso it has massive paws, claws stretching far out from their sheaths. Its cat-like eyes stare intensely at you and, almost as if taunting you, its outrageously long, serpentlike tongue slips out every few seconds, much like a snake's tongue. Despite its unsettling appearance, it doesn't seem outwardly aggressive. It's just sitting there. And staring at you.

  • Familiar
  • Watches the opponent for three turns before giving the user a 50% ATK and 50% SPD boost for a single turn.
  • Has a 5% chance to find a Bejeweled Eye in Ruin Exploration year round, but during October instead of 5% it grants the user a 25% chance to find a Bejewled Eye in any activity.
  • Found in Pet Shop, Prompts, or Events.

Fungal Fawn

Subcategory: Familiars

This angy boy comes stomping the around the corner, catching you by surprise. You stare at each other, like deer in the headlights, until it huffs and kicks the the dirt. You realize it's stamping its hoof, preparing to charge, and you jump out of the way. Despite being more than twice its size, you still want to avoid being hit. It turned on its heels... hooves? and prances, and you realize it's just being playful!  What a fungi, you think, bracing yourself for another charge.

  • Familiar
  • Gives the user a 20% chance to get an additional mushroom in Botany.
  • Has a 10% chance to poison a single monster.
  • Found in Pet Shop, Prompts, or Events.

Floral Fawn

Subcategory: Familiars

This graceful little fawn hops around, spewing about pollen from the flowers that decorate its budding antlers. It kindly bows its head to you and- ACHOO! ... Nevermind. Not kindly. Not kindly! You can feel yourself falling asleep, and before you know it, you've passed out. You awake as night falls to find the floral fawn standing before you, flowers closed and looking apologetic. It just wanted some head pats.

  • Familiar
  • Gives the user a 20% chance to get an additional flower or herb in Botany.
  • Has a 10% chance to cause a single monster to fall asleep until dealt with.
  • Found in Pet Shop, Prompts, or Events.

Cat Moth

Subcategory: Familiars

Cat Moths are equally attracted to light as they are to string and feathers and.. you know how cats are. These fluffy little kits like to spend their time sleeping in flowers, which means they pick up a lot of pollen as they fly from flower to flower! By day, they sleep, but by night they find greenhouse lanterns to try to get into. What is it with these little guys and night lights!?

  • Familiar
  • Can pollenate a plant, giving the user a 10% chance to double any hybrid plants bred for in Botany.
  • Found in Pet Shop, Prompts, or Events.

Sleepless Snow Owl

Subcategory: Familiars

These poor owls! The dull eyed stare combined with slightly darker feathers under their eyes certainly make it seem like they need more sleep. But don’t worry, they get plenty of rest between flights. And they need that unceasing stare to find the shiny stuff too. It only has two feet though, so it can’t bring back too much.

  • Familiar
  • Has a 90% chance to bring back 2 Silver Lotus Coins and a 10% chance to bring back 2 Gold Lotus Coins.
  • Increases MAG by 2 points
  • Has a small chance (30%) to cause an enemy to skip their first turn. It’s all in the eyes.
  • Found in Pet Shop, Prompts and Events.


Snowdown Bundle (2021 Winter Event)

Triplet Star Howlers

Subcategory: Familiars

Rarity: 6

Three troublemaking star speckled hounds, these triplets follow Kaion around like ducklets with their mother. Somewhat nocturnal, Kaion doesn't get much sleep. They often like to howl at the stars and love playing in the dead of the night.

  • Familiar
  • Prevents a failed Stargazing activity
  • 10% chance to triple rewards gained
  • 30% chance to find a rare item
  • 30% chance to find an additional item
  • 30% chance to double the price of items sold
  • Custom Item, Unobtainable.


Belongs to ZcooFang, permanently equipped to Kaion.

Heart of Charity

Category: Skills

Subcategory: General Skills

Your heart is one of charity and for that, we express our gratitude.

  • Skills; General Skills
  • Found in Events
  • For every charitable act (must be depicted), you will gain one random item and a random amount of GLC.

Snow Strider

Category: Skills

Subcategory: General Skills

Fleet of foot, you can now walk across snow (and even ice) with ease. No more nasty slips for you!

  • Skills; General Skills
  • Found in ???
  • Doubles base SPD stat when depicted in snow or on ice.

Thankful Tidings

Category: Skills

Subcategory: General Skills

Sometimes you just have to be thankful for life and this Lupinus certainly is. They're grateful for the chiller weather, they're grateful for the beautiful scenery of fall, and they're grateful most of all for the others in their life.

  • Skills; General Skills
  • Found in ???
  • Any time this Lupinus is in a party with others, they will share their base rewards with the other Lupini.

Veteran's Experience

Category: Skills

Subcategory: General Skills

Description goes here...

  • Skills; General Skills
  • Found in ???
  • Gives the lupinus a 25%  chance to double the lupinus’ base rewards in any activity that's not animal or monster hunting. Cannot stack with anything else that would double base rewards!

Cold Affinity

Category: Skills

Subcategory: General Skills

You’re quite used to the cold, so it never bothered you anyway! You can now deal more damage in and take less damage from any ice magic.

  • Skills; General Skills
  • Found in ???
  • Increase Ice Magic damage by 20%
  • Decrease damage from Ice Magic by 20%

Archivist's Understanding

Category: Skills

Subcategory: General Skills

Description goes here...

  • Skills; General Skills
  • Custom Item; Unobtainable
  • Guarantees success in Interior Exploration and has a 50% chance to find 1-3 additional rare items in that activity.
  • Available only to Long Lost Histories

Archivist's Insight

Category: Skills

Subcategory: General Skills

Descirption goes here...

  • Skills; General Skills
  • Custom Item; Unobtainable
  • Guarantees success in Stargazing and has a 50% chance to find 1-3 additional rare items in that activity.
  • Available only to Stella Fortuna

Archivist's Experience

Category: Skills

Subcategory: General Skills

Description goes here...

  • Skills; Custom Skills
  • Custom Item; Unobtainable
  • Guarantees success in Free Range Exploration and has a 50% chance to find 1-3 additional rare items in that activity.
  • Available only to A Stone in the Lake

Beginner's Luck

Category: Skills

Subcategory: General Skills

Desciption goes here...

  • Skill; General Skills
  • Found in ???
  • Gives the lupinus a 25% chance to bring back a rare item in any activity that's not animal or monster hunting

Disaster In Progress

Category: Custom Skills

Subcategory: General Skills

Dederam's skill in cooking and brewing potions is second to none. If only in making bombs of whatever he's made. Yes, even if he's making a parfait... somehow even that was explosive.

  • Custom Skills; General Skills
  • 25% chance to turn any potion, consumable or crafted item into an explosive.
  • If the 25% chance is rolled, then there's a 50% chance it explodes right then and there and he gets kicked out of Merlin's lab making him fail the roll or a 50% chance that the potion stays stable in the bottle and can be used as a weapon in monster hunting/encounters.
  • Custom Skill; Unobtainable
<a href=" Chart: Solar" class="display-item">Star Chart: Solar</a>

Star Chart: Solar

Category: Stargazing Items

Subcategory: Stargazing Materials

Rarity: 4

Resale Value: 10 Golden Lotus Coins

A bright yellow star, said to be a stellar entity like Saph is, but for another planetary domain. It was identified by a stranger to our world who said he was from the planetary domain that it gave life to.

  • Can be used in Alchemy and Crafting, and a Stargazing prerequisite item.
  • Discovered by Silentbellz Valen


Obtained from Stargazing activity

Drops From:

<a href=" Chunk" class="display-item">Meteorite Chunk</a>

Meteorite Chunk

Category: Stargazing Items

Subcategory: Stargazing Materials

Rarity: 3

Resale Value: 2500 Silver Lotus Coins

A slightly larger chunk of a meteor that travelled through space to Solaria. It is even harder than the fragments and has a unique sheen to it.

  • Can be used in Alchemy, Enchanting and Crafting.
  • Found in Terra Numina, Lux Aeterna, Cecidit Gloria, Solus Aequivalere, Amemini
  • Discovered by Silentbellz Valen


Obtained from Stargazing activity

Drops From:

89 results found.