
Sleepless Snow Owl

Subcategory: Familiars

These poor owls! The dull eyed stare combined with slightly darker feathers under their eyes certainly make it seem like they need more sleep. But don’t worry, they get plenty of rest between flights. And they need that unceasing stare to find the shiny stuff too. It only has two feet though, so it can’t bring back too much.

  • Familiar
  • Has a 90% chance to bring back 2 Silver Lotus Coins and a 10% chance to bring back 2 Gold Lotus Coins.
  • Increases MAG by 2 points
  • Has a small chance (30%) to cause an enemy to skip their first turn. It’s all in the eyes.
  • Found in Pet Shop, Prompts and Events.


Snowdown Bundle (2021 Winter Event)

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