

Heterochromia (Exclusive)

Category: Eyes

ILL OMEN EYESut malum sit

Irises that are different colors.  Those with these cursed eyes will have the following effects:

  • The lupi has a 20% chance to, in any monster hunt, cause 50% of their total HP worth of damage upon themself.
  • Has a 10% chance to, in any monster hunt, inflict damage unto themself and die.
Slitted Pupils

Slitted Pupils (Exclusive)

Category: Eyes


Pupils that slit like a reptile's. Those with these cursed eyes will have the following effects:

  • The lupi has a 20% chance to, in any monster hunt, turn on their party can inflict 50% damage on all other party members.
  • Has a 10% chance to, in any monster hunt, kill a single other party member. Player cannot decide who, it will be rolled for.
Dichroic Irises

Dichroic Irises (Exclusive)

Category: Eyes


Irises where one iris is dual colored. Also known as "pie chart" eyes. Those with these cursed eyes will have the following effects:

  • Effects to be determined...
Alternate Pupils

Alternate Pupils (Exclusive)

Category: Eyes

A shape of pupil that doesn't fall under circle, elliptical or slitted.

4 results found.