
Dual Formation (Uncommon)

Category: Horn Formation

The most common formation of horns. One horn on either side of the head, usually growing from the temple area.

Uni Formation (Uncommon)

Category: Horn Formation

A single horn protruding from the center of the forehead of the lupinus.

Tri Formation (Rare)

Category: Horn Formation

Three horns protruding from the head, one in the center of the forehead and two on either side.

Quad Formation (Legendary)

Category: Horn Formation

Two horns in the front, two in the back.

Tiara Formation (Legendary)

Category: Horn Formation

One long horn in the center, two smaller horns behind and on either side, 5 horns total.

Hex Ram Horns (Legendary)

Category: Horn Formation

At least two of the 6 horns hook under the ears back towards the face.

6 results found.