Minting Coins
Minting Coins
written by Caesar Kaelus III
This book was written by the first banker of the Kaelus family line in Solus Aequivalere eons ago. While the Kaelus family lives on, so too does their knowledge of how to mint materials into coins to keep the flow of the economy running smooth. Nobody cares about how much money should exist, only how much you have in your pocket to spend right now!
........... Nobody ever said the oh-so-many-greats grandfather Caesar Kaelus III was a very great person with a great financial moral code. Quite the opposite, in fact.
This book will grant the user recipes for minting ores into Lotus Coins.
Open it from your inventory to get the recipes granted. You can then craft them yourself from your crafting page. It unlocks the following recipes:
- Silver Lotus Coins (Minted)
- Gold Lotus Coins (Minted)
- Platinum Lotus Coins (Minted)
Delilah General Store
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