Solarian Vocabulary

Solaria Lore and Records

Forenote that real sayings can still be used so long as they're within reason, e.g. "by the skin of my teeth" is fine but "bite the bullet" wouldn't be as guns aren't really a thing in this world.

Solarian Vocabulary
Universal and Species Exclusive

Time related vocabulary can be found on the Time on Solaria page.


Affinity Wielder (ah-fin-it-tea weel-der) : An affinity wielder is a FAR weaker version of an Incarnate, often referred to as "deity-kissed". Generally they only have an inclination towards a deity's influence, such as a green thumb with gardening, being able to see the stars clearly while otherwise blind, being able to read the minds of any and everything at will or otherwise. There's rarely more than one per deity, but they're far more common and there's often at least one affinity wielder per deity each lifetime.

Afterlife (af-ter-līf) : As the name implies, this is where souls go when their bodies die. The Afterlife is also home to the Fallen, who either shatter or recreate souls for the next lifetime. It can be accessed by the living through a gate located somewhere in Lunairea, though few know where other than the Primus and the Moonlit Ink Dragons.

Altean (al-tay-en) : A hybrid species of Cana Lupinus and Mer. There are two kinds: Altean Major and Altean Minor, determined by the percentage of heritage (Major 50%, one lupinus parent and one mer parent; Minor 25%, one Altean Major parent and one lupinus parent).
Sea Alteans or Mer for more detail. (Links to be added)

Altonica (al-ton-ih-kah) : The second and smallest continent, often called the "island continent" due to it being surrounded by hundreds of islands that get progressively smaller the further from the mainland they are. While lupini do not originate from Altonica, it was colonized in the second era, and the lupini there live in peace separate from the Mer, Alteans, Faeran and Faera.

Anomaly (an-om-ah-lee) : The result if an Incarnate's deity powers goes out of control and corrupts their soul. Artifacts heighten the likelihood of turning an Incarnate into an Anomaly if not wielded right.

Anyy (ehn-ee) : A quadreped, carnivorous, repitillian mount commonly ridden by warriors and knights. They're dangerous when wild and difficult to tame, usually larger wild than they are domesticated. They're rarely faster than a horse, but far more dangerous with a difficult-to-pierce hide and sharp teeth strong enough to tear flesh and shatter bone.

Artifact (art-ih-fakt) : Artifacts, capitalized, are the instruments of the deities themselves, a piece of a deity held within each one. Only the Incarnates or Avatars of the same patron deity as the Artifact is capable of wielding the Artifacts without going mad, being corrupted by the Artifact, or dying outright.

Avatar (av-ah-tar) : An Avatar is similar to a Lupinus in the sense that it can swap between a feralis and a sapius form, but they also have a third form unique to the individual. They're similar to Incarnates and Artifacts in the sense that they're born with a piece of a deity ingrained in their soul, and are arguably more powerful than Artifactless Incarnates. Only one is born to any deity once every millenium.

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Cana Lupinus (cay-nah loo-pin-us) : The origin species of Solaria, mortal beings capable of changing forms from a feral canine form to a bipedal humanlike/elven form.
Plural Cana Lupini (cay-nah loo-pin-ī); shortened lupi (loo-pee).
See Cana Lupinus for more detail.

Chimera (kī-mér-ah) : A hybrid subspecies that's a cross of Cana Lupini and/or any of the other subspecies. Chimeras are sterile and genderless by default.
See Chimeras here for more detail. (link to be added)

(Tya's) Coughing : Earthquakes caused by the corruption, causing Solaria/Tya to "cough" as if sick. These are almost always violent and destructive, but are fairly uncommon. Note that "cough/coughing" is NOT exclusive to earthquakes, it can still be used to describe the action of coughing.

Cresce (cress-ah) : One of the twin moons that revolve around Solaria - the smaller one that hides behind Lo; godly domain of Revive.


Dragon : A sapient, draconic species that could either originate from the lost third continent or from Lunairea. There are four known kinds: the Sunlit, Moonlit Ink, Stellar and Oceanic dragons. There's only one true Oceanic dragon, though it's said that the Mer know the secrets of bringing lesser Oceanic dragons into existence.
See Dragons here for more detail. (link to be added)

Dyn'ai (din-ī) : A subspecies of the Primus lupini evolved to survive in underground conditions after Tya's Coughing sealed them far below the surface where they would not see saphlight in millennia. More information to be added...

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Faera (fay-r-ah) : A hybrid subspecies of Cana Lupini and the Faeran. There are two kinds: Nymphula and Daemonium, determined by the Faeran parent's genetics (the Faeran are similarly categorized as Nymphula or Daemonium).
See Faera or The Faeran for more detail. (Links to be added)

Faeran (fay-r-an) : A sapient species exclusively located on Altonica, very similar to the sapius forms of the lupini but commonly sporting insect wings and other fauna traits to make themselves comprehendable by mortals. They're the only sapient species on Solaria that did not originate from it, and only a select few deities know their origins.
See The Faeran for more detail. (Links to be added)

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Incarnate (in-car-net) : An Incarnate, like an Avatar or Artifact, is a lupinus that was born with a piece of a deity ingrained in their soul. Incarnates can only be lupini, no other sapient species. There can only be one Incarnate living at a time per deity, though Solaria can go decades, even centuries, without seeing one born at all.
Inu Ryujin (ee-noo ree-yoo-jin) : A hybrid species of Cana Lupinus and Dragon, generally with the anatomical structure of a dragon but the traits of a lupinus.
See Dragons and Inu Ryujin for more detail. (links to be added)
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Lo (lō) : One of the twin moons that revolve around Solaria - the larger one that hovers in front of Cresce; godly domain of Lumine.

Lunairea (loon-ér-ah) : One of the three continents of Solaria and the origin continent of all lupini. Is the second-largest content sporting many mountains and fairly temperate conditions, save for Terra Numina which is usually cold and snowy. Home to five lupinus-run domains. Also the home to Moonlit Ink Dragons.
See the domains here (info to be added) for descriptions.

Mer (mer) : A sapient, aquatic species residing exclusively within in the oceans of Solaria, mostly under and surrounding Altonica. They are often depicted with the upper body of a sapius lupinus and the lower body/tail of an aquatic creature. Some mer will interact with islanders farther from the mainland as they're safer.
Sea Mer for more detail. (Links to be added)
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Saph (saf): The blue solar star (sun) of this galaxy; godly domain of Solus Aurora. "Saphlight" is used in place of "sunlight" (note that while Saph itself is blue, saphlight still appears orange on Solaria like our sun, Sol, does).

Solaria (sō-lér-ee-ah): The planet that the lupini and other sapient species live on. Godly domain of Tya.

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Cana Lupini Exclusive
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Dyn'ai and Primus Exclusive
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Mer and Altean Exclusive
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Dragon and Inu Ryujin Exclusive
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Faeran and Faera Exclusive
Information to be added...


Common Phrases, expressions and more

"Deities above" : Commonly used exclamation with positive context.
Use: "Deities above, this tastes amazing!!"
"Deities below" : Commonly used exclamation with negative context.
Use: "Deities below, are you stupid?? Why would you go and put your life in danger like that!?"
"Deities above and below" : Commonly used as an exclamation in postive, negative or neutral context.
Use (positive): "Deities above and below, I'm so glad you're save.
Use (neutral): "You'd think I'd know what I was doing, but deities above and below I suppose I still have much to learn."
Use (negative): "Oh for the love of the deities above and below, now I have to go catch that thing?"

"By Saph" / "By the stars": A statement of truthful intentions or an exclamation with a similar meaning as "deities above and below".
Use: "I swear by Saph, if I had wanted to hurt him I would have."

"May the Blood Moons curse you." : An extreme insult meaning one wishes only the absolute worst upon the recipient.
"Fallen take you!" : A common insult that can be used in both light conflicts and major ones.
Use (light): "Oh Fallen take you, I'd have won if it weren't for that stupid tree!"
Use (harsh): "You know what? Fallen take you! Get out of my house and stay out, you're for the dogs and the cold cobbles!"

"Deities grant me strength" : A saying usually used with exasperation or as self-encouragement.
Use (exasperation): "Oh for the love of-!! Deities grant me strength... alright, so you mean to tell me..."
Use (encouragement): "Deities give me strength because what I'm about to do might send me to you..."

"May the deities guide you/me" : An encouraging statement often used in place of wishing one good luck and safe journey.

"... it cost (my) feathers..." : An expression meaning that something cost a lot of money / something of great importance or a great deal of effort to gain/achieve/receive/earn something. Can be used by those without feathers, but given feather removal is taboo it's an exaggerrated claim to make.


"By Divina Throni" / "I swear upon the godthrone" : A statement of truthful intentions or an exclamation with a similar meaning as "deities above and below". Exclusive to Terra Numinians.

"Anyy muck!" : A "clean" swear noting the fecal matter of an Anyy, often foul smelling as Anyys are carnivorous creatures. This can be used as an exclamation on its own or an insult.
Use (insult): "Yeah well, you smell worse than Anyy muck, so you're either taking that bath or I'm throwing you in a river myself. What'll it be?"


"May the Goddess devour [me/you]" : An expression of grief for oneself or an admonishment.
"May the Goddess preserve [me/you/us]" : An expression of helplessness / a hope for things to improve during hard times. Can also be used similarly to "bless your heart".

"You're singing to sirens" : Similar to the expression "you're preaching to the choir", meaning "to commend an opinion to those who already accept it".