EXP Chart

Created: 31 May 2024, 17:52:42 UTC
Last updated: 23 November 2024, 17:41:42 UTC

What is EXP and how do I get it?

EXP, or experience points, is a unit that determines yours or your lupi's level. For lupini, the levels will grant stat points, rewards and unlock higher tiers of activities.

To gain EXP, you have to submit creative works - art, literature, crafts, etc. - in a claim.

Generally with activity submissions, you are expected to break down the EXP you should be getting from your entry (read more about it in the How To Play). With general EXP claims for works that don't involve the ARPG (i.e. you drew your lupinus for the fun of it) you must submit a claim. In order to do that, first you must navigate to the top right of the WOS website where there are two dropdowns: Submit and [Your Username].

AU Rules with EXP

As an artist-driven species, we understand the fun and the creativity that comes with having different branching AUs from your prime story, just to see how something might be different with a minor or major change. While we still have to keep in mind that our ARPG is exclusive to our species, it would suck to put so much effort into a character and then feel like you're missing out because "oh I have nothing to gain in this game by being creative and having fun with AUs". How we've decided to accommodate is to clearly define how EXP and AUs work.

Key Terms / Vocabulary
  • In-universe: Canon to the lupinus species/world.
  • Out-of-universe: Not canon to the lupinus species/world.
  • Prime-universe: Non-AU-form-having lupini.
    • Originally standard build or subspecies/hybrid-builds.
  • Affiliated species: Other open, closed and semi-open/semi-closed species that we have officially recognized as affiliates.
    • Hybrids of our species and affiliates count as in-universe, but it's important to note under this part.
AU Rules

Now with that out of the way, here's the rules of using AU forms in the lupinus species.

  1. Only prime-universe lupini may participate in the ARPG itself (activities, quests, prompts, events, etc.) to earn ARPG-relevant EXP.
    • Say you have one character who is normally dead in the prime universe but is otherwise alive in an alternate universe. Everyone is still lupini, this is still Solaria, etc. This is an exception to the AUs-get-general-EXP-only rule, as it's still canon forms and everything, just a different circumstance.
    • Hybrids of affiliated species x standard build are also allowed.
  2. In-universe AU forms based on the below species are allowed to gain EXP for general art and literature entry, but not for ARPG-relevant EXP.
    • Humans (yes, they are considered in-universe as one has encountered the lupini species before)
    • Mer
    • Dragons (Star, Solar, Moonlit Ink and Oceanic/Mer)
    • Faeran
  3. In-universe subspecies AU forms are not allowed, as this is considered a loophole for alt forms/lycanthropy, which is not currently allowed. Please note this specifically means if your lupinus is, for example, a standard build, you cannot have an AU form of them as an Altean. The same applies to others, if your lupinus is a Faera, you may not have a Chimera AU form for them.
    • The Dyn'ai
    • Alteans
    • Inu Ryjin
    • Faera
    • Chimeras
  4. Out-of-universe AU forms are generally not allowed unless otherwise approved. If approved, they are allowed to gain general EXP, but not participate in the ARPG.

    Elves (sapius forms are essentially elven in design)
    Real Earth animals (canines, felines, etc.)

    Kitzenkoshi (Closed Species)

    Not allowed

    Furries / Anthros
    Mythological Creatures (message owners)

  5. Other open, closed or semi-open/semi-closed species are not allowed by default! If you want to suggest a species to be put on the allowed list above, please contact either Albino or Zuke with a link to the other species' T&C/TOS and a list of ways to contact the species owner (MUST be the owner, other staff is not an option). If the species does not reach back out to us in 30 days, we will default back to being not allowed. You can try to appeal and try again, but you must contact the other species' owner and request they contact us first, explaining why.
  6. Solarian locations (Lunairea, Altonica, Terra Numina, Lux Aeterna, etc.) cannot be depicted or calculated for EXP gain for out-of-universe AU forms with the exception of elves.
How to Submit an EXP Claim (Character)

Click submit and find "Submit Claim".

You should get this screen. From here, just fill out your entry like so using the EXP chart down below...

As you can see there's two ways to enter your EXP breakdowns! Actually you can do it just about any way you please, but staff are trained mostly based on these two ways and so they're the preferred methods of entry. If you do the math wrong, don't fret! Staff will double check your math and correct it themselves, then apply the EXP as needed.
Also if you have some disability like dyscalcula that makes ordering numbers a bit more difficult, feel free to mention that in your claim or ask someone for help! We'll be happy to accommodate.


From there you need to put the character(s) you intend to include. If they're actively participating, then change the "Focus character?" dropdown to "Yes". If there are lupi depicted as background characters, they can be put in as well but must have "Focus character?" set to "No" so that they do not receive the rewards. The same can be done for regular ARPG entries!

Double checking that you have everything correct, hit "submit" and wait for a response. We try to get claims done within a week or two of being submitted, but if you don't see any update feel free to poke us in the discord server! When approved, your lupini will be granted the EXP.

How to submit an EXP claim (User)

Similarly to the character claim, you'd go to "submit claim" normally. This time, however, you need to do a few steps beforehand.

Set up an EXP/level log for all of your lupini. Can be on TH or Google Docs, but has to be written and capable of having links. This is because 1 lupinus level (can be any of your lupini, any level) will give you 1 User EXP, so we need logs of when your lupi level up. We don't mind if you delayed it and now have to set it up all at once, but we can't accept EXP claims without a proper log set up for reference. It should look something like this (exempting the NPC Levels tab, that's exclusive to the owners because they own the NPCs, it's not something you'll have to track):

Once that's been made and you're filling out your claim, it should look like this:

When staff have reviewed and confirmed, you will be given an EXP grant. Below is more information about the User Levels and its rewards.



Levels and Level Tiers

User Levels

There are Novice, Apprentice, Expert, Master and Legendary tiers, just like standard lupi levels.

  • Novice Levels: 1-20
  • Apprentice Levels: 21-40
  • Expert Levels: 41-60
  • Master Levels: 61-80
  • Legendary Levels: 81-100

The EXP count is universally 10 EXP per level.

1 EXP can be gained per every personally owned lupinus' level. (e.g. if your lupinus levels up 3 times, you personally gain 3 EXP).

Lupi Levels

Novice Levels : 0-599 EXP

  • Levels 1-20
    • 1-10 : 20 EXP
    • 11-20 : 40 EXP

Apprentice Levels : 600-1999 EXP

  • Levels 21-40
    • 21-30 : 60 EXP
    • 31-40 : 80 EXP

Expert Levels : 2000-4199 EXP

  • Levels 41-60
    • 41-50 : 100 EXP
    • 51-60 : 120 EXP

Master Levels : 4200-7199 EXP

  • Levels 61-80
    • 61-70 : 140 EXP
    • 71-80 : 160 EXP

Legendary Levels : 7200-11000 EXP

  • Levels 81-100
    • 81-90 : 180 EXP
    • 91-100 : 200 EXP

Multipliers are established by default after their minimum level requirements. These only apply to lupi levels.

  • Novice Multiplier : +0%
  • Apprentice Multiplier : +25%
  • Expert Multiplier : +50%
  • Master Multiplier : +75%
  • Legendary Multiplier : +100%

Not all numbers are divisible by increments of 25.
When applying your multiplier, always round the tenth to the nearest whole number: .0 to .4 rounds down and .5 to .9 always rounds up.



Fill out a claim requesting rewards when you meet requirements, link characters if it's for them, or if it's user leveling staff will be able to check your account themselves.

User Level Rewards

Every Level: 1x Adoption Seal
Note this is for every level, not increasing, just static. 100 possible seals can be earned through user leveling.

Every 10 Levels:
Note that the tier rewards for levels 20, 40, 60, 80 and 100 all are on top of these rewards, not an issue of either or.

  • 1 Platinum Lotus Coin
    • with the exception of lvl 100, which instead grants 10 PLC

Tier Rewards (WIP): Tier-specific award
While you're considered, for example, a Novice between levels 1 and 20, you won't get the award for Novice Tier until you hit level 20.

  • Level 20 (Novice): Novice's Lucky Charm
  • Level 40 (Apprentice): Custom Equipment x3
  • Level 60 (Expert): Amulet of Rememberance
  • Level 80 (Master): Custom Familiar or Mount x3
  • Level 100 (Legendary): Ascendant's Hope, ???
Character Level Rewards



EXP Chart

Click on whichever EXP type is relevant to your current needs. Note that you can mix your entry types (i.e. art and writing in one claim). Please read each section to see what would be considered the "primary" claim.

Art and Animation EXP

Art counts for 2D traditional and digital art (also including 2D animation). Will eventually add 3D digital art when Albino gets a better idea of what could be fair for it.

Please note that WIP art CANNOT BE SENT IN FOR CLAIMS!
While we do allow you to go in and refinish/render old art, the entry will not be treated as an entirely new claim and will only get its EXP changed (i.e. if you submit a sketch without color for the Sketch and Personal Work EXP (5 EXP total) and go in to finish it later with Clean Lines and Flat Color (6 EXP), you will not get 11 EXP attached to that lupi, just the difference of 1 EXP added.)


Note that if the art is painted, line type does not count in the EXP claim.

Sketch (S) +2

Clean Lines / Lineless (CL) OR (LL) +3

Toggle Examples

Color and Shading

Note that no color will not grant EXP, and wasn't included because of that.

Flat color (FC) +3

Cel Shade (CS) +4

Soft Shade (SS) +5

Fully painterly (FP) +6

Toggle Examples



Headshot/Bust (HS) OR (B) +2

Halfbody (HB) +3

Fullbody (FB) +4

Toggle Examples


Note if you aren't sure if your background is one or the other, don't be afraid to ask in the #questions channel! Also note that the complex examples are painterly, but your backgrounds do not have to be painted to be considered complex.

Simple Background (SB) +3

Complex Background (CB) +5

Toggle Examples



Animation EXP

Sketch Work +3

  • Fully animated but not clean lined or colored. You should only apply this if you do not plan to clean line the animation and it will stay in a sketch format, whether for disinterest reasons or intended style. Note that sketch work can be the final product and intentional, with a ‘shaky’ quality of line. See this animated movie as an example.

Clean Lined/Lineless +4

  • Fully animated and clean lined, or using a lineless style. If it is a linelless style you can also count the color exp in this case (ex. lineless style with flat colors = 6 exp total)

Color and Shading

No color +0

  • Either a sketch or clean lined piece that does not have any coloring or shading to it.

Flat Color +2

  • Either a sketch or clean lined piece that has been flat colored. While the character’s patterns may be simplified (which then you’d claim the below [Simple Design/Character] exp) this cannot just be one flat color used to distinguish the character from the background.

Cel Shading +2

  • An animation with crisp or simple cell shading, usually with only one layer of color. Can be applied to a non-colored piece or a flat colored piece. The shading needs to be somewhat consistent to the animation to where it’s not distracting. Coloring with shading (ex. coloring a distant hind leg darker than the closer one) would count as cell shading, but it has to be consistent.

Soft Shade +3

  • An animation with smoothed out, multiple layers of sort shading. Can be applied to a non-colored piece or a flat colored piece. The shading needs to be somewhat consistent to the animation to where it’s not distracting.

Experimental Styles

Stylized [Painterly] +4

  • Animation with a ‘painterly’ style of work. The animation should make sense, but can be intentionally shaky or rough. Example of a painterly style used in an animated movie.

Stylized [Abstract] +2

  • Animation that is abstract. The animation should have a certain flow to it, but does not necessarily make consistent sense. This can include using vague shapes and lighting to convey a mood. Here’s an animation that’s a bit more vague in parts that uses lighting for the mood.

Design Complexity

Simple Design/Character +1

  • Either a design or character with easy to animate proportions, little to no patterns, or their patterns have been simplified (but the character is still recognizable). These parts must be animated and cannot just be still, but they do not need to be moving throughout the entire shot.

Complex Design/Character +3

  • A design or character with many details, significant fur/hair detail, or complex patterns. These parts must be animated and cannot just be still, but they do not need to be moving throughout the entire shot.


Detail/Part +1

  • A small part of the character is visible, just as a close up animation of a paw or an expression change in the eyes.

Headshot/Bust +2

Halfbody +3

Fullbody +4

Toggle Examples

Animation Types
Simple Animation

Wiggle Anim +3

  • A stylized looping gif or animation in which the lines are redrawn over a few times to give a ‘wiggle’ line quality, but with no ongoing animation happening (ex. an ear flick). Often icons or pagedolls.

Simple Short Anim [~1-5 seconds] +4

  • A simple animation such as an ear flick or a blink that is short. If it is looping the time count would cut off where the animation loops.

Simple Long Anim [~5-10 seconds] +5

  • A simple animation such as an ear flick or blink that is long. If it is looping the time count would cut off where the animation loops. If the movement is only 1-2 seconds max but the frames are held for a long time to elongate it, it will not count.


Mid-Complex Animation

Mid-Complex Short Anim [~1-5 seconds] +5

  • A mid-complex animation such as a head turn or lip syncing that is short. If it is looping the time count would cut off where the animation loops. Typically has at least one overlapping detail (ex. head turns, ears follow slightly delayed and bounce to a stop).

Mid-Complex Long Anim [~5-10 seconds] +6

  • A mid-complex animation such as a head turn or lip syncing that is short. If it is looping the time count would cut off where the animation loops. Typically has at least one overlapping detail (ex. head turns, ears follow slightly delayed and bounce to a stop). If the movement is only 1-2 seconds max but the frames are held for a long time to elongate it, it will not count.


Complex Animation

Complex Short Anim [~1-5 seconds] +6

  • A complex animation such as a dance or other full body movement that is short. If it is looping the time count would cut off where the animation loops. Typically has quite a few overlapping details (ex. character moves hips side to side, their ears move slightly delayed from the movement, their head and neck moves in tandem with the movement, their tail is delayed as they move).

Short Walk/Run Cycle [~1-5 seconds looping] +7

  • A complex animation of a walk or run cycle that is short. If it is looping the time count would cut off where the animation loops. The body should have some movement, and not just be copy pasted with only the limbs moving.

Complex Long Anim [~5-10 seconds] +7

  • A complex animation such as a dance or other full body movement that is short. If it is looping the time count would cut off where the animation loops. Typically has quite a few overlapping details (ex. character moves hips side to side, their ears move slightly delayed from the movement, their head and neck moves in tandem with the movement, their tail is delayed as they move). If the movement is only 1-2 seconds max but the frames are held for a long time to elongate it, it will not count. 

Long/Multi Part Walk/Run Cycle [~5-10 seconds] +8

  • A complex animation of a walk or run cycle that is long. If it is looping the time count would cut off where the animation loops. The body should have some movement, and not just be copy pasted with only the limbs moving. If the walk/run cycle is short but the frames are held for a long time to elongate it, it will not count.

Background Animation

Simple Animated Background +3

  • A background with a simple animation, such as rainfall or moving clouds. You are free to also claim levels from the [Art EXP] tab for any finished backgrounds.

Complex Animated Background +4

  • A background with a complex animation, such as rippling water. You are free to also claim levels from the [Art EXP] tab for any finished backgrounds. Can also be multiple simple animations in a background happening in tandem.

Animated Prop +2

  • Can either be an item in the background, an item of focus, or a prop being held in a character’s hands. The prop needs to move to a degree, such as being rotated in a character’s hands, or something like a wind chime in the wind. You can count multiple animated props in a scene as long as they are all being animated.

Animated Effects +4

  • An animated effect, such as a splash of water, a burst of fire magic, or a zap of lightning. The effect should be the focus of the shot (whether on its own, or being shot by a character) and not part of the background. You can have multiple effects in a shot (ex. two lupi are fighting, one shoots out a fireball the other whips water, this would count as two effects).

Long-Format Animation

Animated Video +5

  • Animated videos will be broken down by shots. Every time the shot changes, such as the changing position of the hypothetical camera we are seeing a lupinus through, is what would qualify for exp. For example, a character walks up, the shot changes to them looking down into the water, then back up at the lupi again who makes an expression. You would count the walk cycle and one animation worth exp, the shot of them looking into the water as another animation, and the expression as another animation. Animated Videos can be any length of time, and you can earn 3 exp on top of the calculated exp for editing the video together.

Storyboards +2

  • Storyboards are quickly sketched scenes to get an idea of what will happen in an animation. These can be complex (though it’s not recommended) or simple to the point of a circle with a smiling face to show an expression change. Any storyboards you do to plan for your animation can earn you 1 exp per board! You cannot earn any more exp other than the one (so you wouldn’t earn the fullbody rewards for a storyboard) but if you board out a scene, you may submit the storyboards in addition to the animation. (ex. You finish the animation and submit it alongside its original storyboards, you would get 1 exp per storyboard that is different enough from the others.)

Picture Video +5

  • Picture Videos qualify the same as [Comics] where you get exp per different still frame you have drawn.
  • +3 For Picture Video +2 for editing work = 5 EXP + whatever the rest of the amount would add up to.

Note: You can submit an unfinished/scrapped animation but you will not be able to resubmit it if you work on it more in the future! If you have a short animation that you do not want to finish, it can still be applied for sketch animation. It still has to be fully animated though and not just storyboards!

Literature EXP

Literature, either standalone written pieces, or a short story written in addition to artwork. Please ask about poetry, which does not follow the Word Count rules.

Word Count

Base WC : 500 min. + 6

  • Minimum of 500 WC for any standalone literature.
  • The Lupinus being used in the writing must be mentioned at least a few times in a way that makes sense, such as using their name or a descriptor. 
    • Pronouns do not count as a mention unless the Lupinus is alone.

Additional WC : 100 w min. + 1

  • You get additional EXP for every 100 words you write in addition to the base word count minimum.

When combining literature and art for an EXP claim, art is considered the primary claim and literature's EXP will skip the 500 word count claim in favor of 100 word count EXP. Please make note of the word count in the description of the artwork as well as for claims.

Crafts EXP

Handmade items such as sculptures, plushies, knitting, embroidery etc.

A traditionally made painting would fall under art EXP rather than a craft, as a note.

Simple Craft + 8

  • May apply to miniatures, charms or a craft you finished in a short time frame with little detail to it. 
  • Large work but with a minimalist style (ex. a sculpture with low detail) would apply as a Simple Craft.

Complex Craft + 15

  • May apply to a standard sized craft, either with a good size or with a lot of detail. 
  • Examples include a full sized plush, a full canvas of embroidery or detailed sculpture. 
  • If you feel as though your craft looks simple but took an exceptional amount of time (ex. more than a full days work) then please keep track of your work hours with some progress pictures to send to staff when processing for EXP.

Add. Image + 2

  • Additional Images or Photography of your craft. (ex. Your plush in a park with flowers)
  • Each images must be significantly different, keeping in mind angle, background, context, etc.
  • Images that are very poorly or quickly done in mass will not be accepted (ex. turning the plush around in a circle and taking a picture of every single angle without any change in context or background)
Activity Bonus EXP

Tier i Activity +4

  • Note that passive participation activities do not get EXP.

Tier ii Activity +5

  • Note that passive participation activities do not get EXP.

Tier iii Activity +6

  • Note that passive participation activities do not get EXP.

Basic Activities +4

  • Basic activities are the ones that do not have three tiers and are active participation only (i.e. cooking, fishing, etc.).

Animal and Monster Hunting activities will have to wait until the final wave of the first tidal.


Prompt +4

NPC Request +3


Minor/Major questlines to be added.

Alternate Bonus EXP

Personal Work +3

  • Made by you, can feature other people’s lupi but must also feature at least one of yours as an active participant.

Collaboration +3

  • Collaborators must note what each person contributed.
  • The collaborators must feature at least one of each’s lupi as active participants.


Other lupi +2

  • Other lupi must have permission to be depicted and cannot be owned by you.

NPC depiction +4

  • This only applies to official NPCs, not pseudo NPCs. Note that the WOS code of the lupinus will specify “CL-NPC”.

Affiliated Species +TBD


Familiars / Mounts +2

  • The familars/mounts in question must be active participants.
  • If mounts are active and not passive types, they can also get their own EXP gain separate from the overall entry.
  • If familiars/mounts have an EXP granting benefit to their user or themselves, then that is also calculated separately from this.

Location +4

  • Must be an official location in one of the maps (i.e. just the domain does not count).
Mount EXP
Mount EXP to be added when active mounts and Riding Activity are launched.